Research conducted recently shows that Generation Z prefers to work online. The tussle is no longer between white-collar and blue-collar jobs. Online work is the new modern. Well, Generation Z prefers to use the word urban. Even though this would mean losing out 10% of …

There are always those people who will give you a run for your money, the ones who always aspire to do excellent work. They keep coming and do not stop. best at this and that. they outdo everyone. even on those cold dark days, they …

This is not your regular “Why Working Online is Bomb and the office is not” article. Unfortunately, it is for a specific lot. The person that sits at the corner and often comes off as too agreeable. Well, if you do not fit this category, …

I’m a sucker for political reads and my favorite has always been Robert Green’s 48 Laws of Power. We need to come to the understanding that any human relationship is a political one. Of interests and different power dynamics; sometimes both parties are equal in …

Welcome to the future, it is 2021 and here, the economy is going cashless. If you are a businessperson or a freelancer and are still operating cash seriously, you put the “L” in limit. In a globalized world, to succeed you have to go where …

So you’ve bought your piece of online real estate. There’s only one thing left to do, increase its value. Unlike physical real estate, online real estate doesn’t just naturally increase its value with time. We’ll have to put in a whole lot to make it …

“Born” in 2009 when we as a human race stopped and realized, “Wait… There are more things connected to the internet than people!?” IoT, as they like to call it, is the integration of various utilities that are not computers, into a network with an …

In the not-so-famous words of Datio Specio about great teamwork, “I’m not better than you, you’re not better than me, but we’re better together…” “The oil of unity” “Together we stand, divided we fall” the unity quotes just go on and on. This could only …

Inefficiency can cost your business up to 30% of yearly revenue. So are you a small business, a large co-operation or a medium enterprise? It doesn’t matter; we can all be a little more efficient when conducting business. It is paramount to employ great business …

If you’re interested in a lower wage bill, fire your employees and recruit remote contractors from overseas instead… Of course I’m kidding. This is the most common perception of outsourcing. Have you ever felt a need to outsource or delegate tasks? Since the 90s, crop …